Carole Lombard, Hedy Lamarr, Romy Schneider, Nancy Guild, Lily Elsie, Myrna Loy, Joan Crawford, Catherine Deneuve, Alida Valli & Louis Jourdan, Anita Ekberg, Brigitte Bardot, Irene Dunne & Charles Boyer, Theda Bara, Ruby Keeler, Marilyn Monroe, Clara Bow, Ava Gardner.
Actresses in a frame (1) : http://dsata.blogspot.com/2011/04/actresses-in-frame.html

Dorothy Phillips, Photo by M. I. Boris


Charles-Amédée-Philippe van Loo - Soap Bubbles

John William Waterhouse - Portrait of Mrs Charles Schreiber

Franz von Stuck - Portrait of Frau Feez